Restoring Historic Windows Instead of Replacement
There are many reasons to restore historic windows. For one, they can add character and charm to a home or building. They can also be a source of pride for homeowners and businesses alike. Additionally, restoring historic windows can help to increase the value of a property.
Old historic windows can become unsafe
Historic window restoration is not only about aesthetics, however. It is also about preserving the history and integrity of a structure. Historic windows are often made with materials that are no longer used in modern construction, such as leaded glass. These materials can degrade over time, making the window unstable and unsafe. By restoring historic windows, we can help to ensure that they will remain intact for generations to come.
Budget time and money for historic window restoration
There are a few things to keep in mind when considering historic window restoration. First, it is important to consult with a professional who has experience with this type of work. Second, the cost of historic window restoration can be significant, so be sure to budget accordingly. Finally, historic window restoration is a time-consuming process, so be patient and allow for plenty of time to complete the project.
Historic window restoration near you
Windows are an important architectural element of any historic building or older home. They were designed to compliment the structure. No other element quite defines the period and quality of a structure like its windows. With proper repair and restoration your quality wood windows can be made to look and function great. We provide window restoration and period authentic replication services for historic homes and buildings throughout all of Western New York and Central New York, Western Pennsylvania, Western Massachusetts, and Vermont
Free estimate for your historic window restoration project
If you are considering historic window restoration for your home or business, we encourage you to reach out to us for more information. We would be happy to give you a free estimate or answer any questions you may have and help you get started on this exciting project!